Friday, July 29, 2011

My 10 Day Suicide - Day 4

I never thought I would reach this far. I was at the verge of surrendering and eating that sumptuous meat. It was so enticing! But I told myself again "just a few more days Michelle, just control it. Hang in there". So I was able to stop myself from eating. I then gulped my juice and just sighed.I had minor headaches today but the hunger is kicking in so bad. I want to quit but I didn't. I have sacrificed already and now I must be brave enough to finish what I started. The only problem that I have with this diet is my inability to sleep. I always sleep at 3pm or 4pm because I am waiting for the laxative to work. And after I do my dirty deed that is the only time I am able to sleep. And in addition to that, I really felt sick that aftenoon. My tummy was rumbling and I had a fever. The A/C was already turned off but I still feel cold. Thank God when I woke up this evening I was perspiring and feeling much better.

But to be fair this diet is not so bad at all. I am not experiencing hyperacidity which I always do whenever I am on a diet. I guess that is the good side of it because its main purpose is really to detoxify. This diet may end in 10 days but after that I have to still be on a liquid diet for atleast a couple of days before I can really eat food.

On the positive results, I can see my collar bone now. My jaw is more visible and I fit into my pants nicely. My pimples seems to disappear. I just wish my cellulite would too. I am doing the same routine and it gets harder each day but I am not going to quit (Hopefully). Now back to work.

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